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URIS Inc offers a warranty on any dental implant that is manufactured and distributed by URIS Inc (the “Implant”). The terms and conditions of this warranty (this “Warranty”) are as follows:



The Warranty period commences at the time of treatment with the Implant by the eligible treating clinician. Subject to the exclusions and limitations described in this Warranty, URIS Inc offers the following benefit:

  • A five-year warranty for Implants from the date of surgery.




URIS Inc’s obligations, and an eligible treating clinician’s remedies, pursuant to this Warranty are exclusively limited to the following:


a. Quality Benefits

    If the Implant has defects in materials or workmanship such that it does not meet URIS Inc’s quality standards, then URIS Inc will replace the Implant with the same or substantially equivalent product.


b.Failed Implant Benefits

    If the Implant is defective as a result of a failure of the Implant’s material strength and stability during the Warranty period as described in Section 1, then URIS Inc will replace the Implant with the same or substantially equivalent                product.


The above benefits are subject to the following conditions, which must be individually and collectively met and documented:


a. The Implant has been used exclusively with products from URIS Inc, and related companies, and not in combination with any other manufacturer’s products;

b. The Implant is sterilized and decontaminated when returned;

c. The use of the product was carried out in strict accordance with the guidelines and recommendations in the instructions for use for the Implant;

d. The eligible treating clinician utilized standard dental procedures, during and after treatment; and

e. The patient exercised good oral hygiene, as monitored by the eligible treating clinician.



An eligible treating clinician making a claim under this Warranty must be current in all amounts owed to URIS Inc at the time when the claim is submitted.




To receive benefits under this Warranty, the eligible treating clinician must complete the following:


a. Report to URIS Inc within thirty (30) days from the date on which the claimed defect was discovered. The eligible treating clinician must contact a URIS Inc representative

     at 17666 Fitch, Irvine, CA 92614, (714) 956-1488 and/or to request a Warranty form and instructions for returning the Implant;

b. Return the sterilized and decontaminated Implant and the completed Warranty form (documenting the cause of the claimed defect) to URIS Inc;

c. Provide documentation of the case, including a demonstration that the Implant was indicated with and that no contra-indicated conditions existed (see EXCLUSIONS) for that particular patient;

d. Provide a receipt or invoice for the failed Implant; and

e. Transport costs and risk to be borne by the eligible treating clinician. For cases covered by this Warranty, the cost of the return shipment to be borne by URIS Inc.




This Warranty becomes void if the Implant has been modified, ground, deburred or otherwise retouched or altered, or used in combination with any other manufacturer’s products.

This Warranty also becomes void if the failure is caused by:


a. trauma, accident, or any other damage caused by the patient or third party;

b. implants placed in a patient with contra-indicated conditions to a successful implant integration, including but not limited to diseases related to alcoholism, uncontrolled diabetes, cigarette smoking, or habitual drug dependency; or

c. normal wear and tear.



This Warranty is exclusively for the benefit of eligible treating clinicians and is not for the benefit of any other person or entity, including, but not limited to, any patients, laboratories and other intermediate suppliers.


This Warranty, and the obligations, benefits and remedies set out herein, are the sole obligations, rights, benefits and remedies with respect to the Implant and the subject matter of this Warranty. Any other rights, benefits and/or remedies, including, but not limited to, laboratory and clinical treatment related fees, are expressly excluded.


Except for the warranty specified in this Warranty, neither URIS Inc nor any of its representatives make any representation, warranty, or covenant, expressed or implied, written or oral, with respect to the Implants, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability, durability or fitness for a particular use or purpose.


In addition, to the maximum extent permitted by law, URIS Inc, on behalf of itself and any of its representatives, disclaims any liability with respect to the failure of the treating clinician to conform to generally accepted standards of dental practices and any other direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages related to the design, composition, condition, use or performance of the Implants, including, but not limited to, lost earnings, income or profit.



URIS Inc reserves the right to change or withdraw the terms and conditions of this Warranty at any time without notice. Any such change or withdrawal will not affect the warranty of Implants already installed in patients, and fully paid for by the eligible treating clinician to URIS Inc, prior to the date of such change or withdrawal.



Copyright © 2023, URIS Inc

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17666 Fitch, Irvine, CA 92614 U.S.A.

T: +1 714.956.1488

F: +1 714.956.1491

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